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Application Status and Development Trend of new wall materials

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2015-09-11   點(diǎn)擊率:1751


  Building in the historical process of human development always is the basic guarantee of survival and activities, and the material is a prerequisite for the development of the building. With the development of the construction industry in the development process, people's quality requirements building technology and building materials continues to increase. Wall is building an important part to play occlusion, partitions, support, and temperature effects. Worldwide, every stage of historical development has its corresponding wall materials. In this paper, to discuss issues related to the current situation and development trend of new wall materials:

First, the technical performance
1.1 Related Reform Achievements
  Currently, in order to achieve environmental protection and sustainable development strategies, country after entering the new century, began to introduce a variety of policies, solid brick end the systematic production process, thus promoting the widespread application of new wall materials. After only six years, the nationwide effective utilization of solid waste reached 11 million tons, the land area of nearly 200 acres of conservation, has made a series of energy-saving effect.
  2006, from the national scale, the number of new wall materials has been close to 40 million, accounting for more than 40% of wall material proportion. Provinces, municipalities and regions, nearly half of its share of production has been more than 50%. For example, production and other capital and Shanghai metropolis has achieved the goal of universal coverage. Not only in the cities, with the development of rural areas, the new wall materials in the rural areas has been a certain degree of promotion.
  In order to achieve the relevant objectives, countries earmarked for the use of coal and other solid waste gypsum and provided financial support. The only funding, financial support related businesses to get on to more than 10 billion yuan, determined to reveal the full body of this country to sustainable development strategies pursued.

Second, the application status
2.1 Brick category
  Our policies prohibit the introduction of brick production entity, in-depth consideration of the particularity of each region, based on regionally different take appropriate measures. Traditional production by years of habit, there are solid brick is inevitable, but the development of brick material has its own laws, must experience from solid to hollow, then transition to energy efficiency and environmental protection industrial waste solid brick. From a practical situation, after years of development, solid brick and hollow have been gradually phased out, it is based on an industrial waste solid materials instead of new materials, such as gold tailings cinderblock and brick, have been in construction projects a very good application.
2.2 Class
2.2.1 Concrete Block
  Such blocks are block-wall material more commonly used in a class. At the same time, such a block of small hollow type of structure mainly mixed cement and solid waste made of, its main feature is the production process is not complicated, relatively low cost, mass production is not very difficult. Such blocks of application compared to traditional brick class has obvious advantages to such environmental effects, save land area and so on. Integrated other types of conditions, the use of such blocks to complete the construction of the building compared to traditional brick built building, a lot of the cost is lower, so it is a good choice on the economic savings.
2.2.2 aerated concrete block
  Such blocks in recent years has experienced the most rapid development. Such blocks consists mainly of cement, lime and gypsum, etc., belong to a new type of wall materials skills. Its advantages: You can reduce the weight of the building under the same volume, improve the durability of the building, because the production process is more energy saving, so you can make effective use of large quantities of industrial waste, which is in line with the current development of China's fundamental strategy.
2.2.3 gypsum block
  Determine the characteristics of the class itself block having a safe and comfortable, faster production, environmental protection and energy saving. Its raw materials needed for the production process also has environmental characteristics, use them, you can achieve the goal of saving production funds.
Its raw materials for the wall material has the quality of light, high strength characteristics, its internal structure, there are many coal ash and gypsum waste and other waste, reflecting its energy-saving features, to create a certain social and economic benefits.

Third, the development trend
3.1 effective utilization of industrial waste
  According to relevant state policies and regulations, the development direction of the wall material should be saving and environmental protection as a fundamental goal. Various industrial wastes produced not only takes up part of the land resources, but also on the environment caused the worse affected. According to the survey, the number of produce of all aspects of industrial waste has been very impressive, at a later time in this number continues to grow. Therefore, how to achieve efficient processing and use of these wastes has become a priority. If it can not be effectively addressed, it will adversely affect the goal of building energy-saving society. Therefore, how to achieve effective utilization of industrial waste has become a trend of new wall materials.
3.2 highlight its own functionality
  Continuous economic development so that people's living standards have become increasingly high functional diversity of wall materials will be necessary for their development. For example, the degree of tenacity wall, sound insulation, water features and is easy to deform and the like. With the increased demand for real practice, functional diversification wall material itself is an inevitable trend of its own development.
3.3.Improve related production technology
  With the increasing demand of people and the country's strong support for its related industries, the number of wall materials manufacturers increased year by year, new wall materials in the cause of relatively strong development of the situation, but one of the more important issues can not be ignored that is relevant production technology has not been well spread, some companies are still using traditional techniques, can not achieve full mechanization of production, and even the case handmade appearance, making it appear excessive labor, but the production results too lower case. Therefore, the state should increase efforts to promote related technologies, and strive to achieve universal full mechanization. So in order to reduce the workload of relevant staff, improve productivity, and ensure good quality of materials produced.
3.4 Natural wall materials
  Natural-type wall materials gypsum representative. China's relevant rich reserves, ranking first in the world. In his capacity as wall materials, energy saving and environmental protection advantages. Performing related operations practice, gypsum processing temperature needs only 300 degrees Celsius, the required low energy has become the industry consensus, precisely because of this characteristic, natural wall plaster itself has become an important part of the material. In developed countries, for example, the wall materials in more than 70% of all use of gypsum as a building material, while the other hand, only about 10% of the number of its use, the fact that, although China's rich gypsum reserves and production, but in the development of related industries there is a great shortage. In addition, in response to the national environmental policy, after the number of FGD gypsum upward trend, which shows that gypsum and gypsum and other industrial byproducts fluorine substituted natural gypsum become the trend of new wall materials. For such use plaster to avoid its excessive accumulation caused by repeated pollution, also can reduce the overuse of natural gypsum, achieve the purpose of saving non-renewable resources, but also reduce the production of financial resources, improve related products economic benefits.
3.5 use of crops
  For a long time, China has been ignoring the role of straw, in fact, it itself can be used as wall materials enhancer, may further enhance its load bearing capacity. The reason that the feasibility of having a wide range of applications because of China's annual output of crop straw is very impressive, but also the cost is not high, and convenient way to obtain other advantages. Today, most of the straw for livestock food production, more is being crushed or burned land as fertilizer. Such practice is not only unreasonable waste of a useful resource, it will cause environmental pollution to a certain extent. If the straw applied to the production of wall materials, not only in the rational use of available resources can be achieved, it can also obtain environmental benefits.
3.6.Related enterprises to expand the scale
  Obviously, promote the improvement of the level of new wall materials is an important objective in all aspects of their own development, to achieve this goal must rely on the rise in all aspects of business scale expansion and related technical levels. Production equipment and expand production scale to be appropriate, as to rely solely on the technical aspects of the introduction of longer viable approach, it is necessary to strengthen the promotion of independent innovation and independent research and development capabilities, and only this, get out of our own way of development. 

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